Sunday, September 28, 2008
Let the Moving Begin
Well, no time for more... we've got some more moving to do!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A Sad Day and A Quick Trip
It was also strange to be at a family function and not have him be there. His sudden death has been a good reminder that we don't know how much time we have here on earth and I'd like to make these moments count.
Today, everyone is tired; exhausted from the quick trip, the intensity of the funeral, and the fun of cousin time. We'll begin moving some things this weekend but today I can't even formulate a plan to get through the day effectively, let alone get myself organized for the project of moving. So, I'm just taking it one step at a time and hopefully tomorrow will be a little more focused.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
House Sale
The kids are very excited that they will be moving next to one of their new best friends, "Screamer". Screamer is the name they gave to the very animated donkey that lives next door to the Jefferson house. He's greeted us loudly each time we've been to the house. It will be nice to kind of have a pet without really having it. I'm curious how our cat will transition. Last time it was fairly traumatic and she's been more edgy ever since.
All of this still seems so unbelievable! Now, please pray with us that there will be no purchase offers on the rental house for at least 6 months.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Ahhh, Familiar Territory
So, we'll know by Friday the realtor says. There is a specific piece to pray for. The realtor said that if the appraisal was low or his loan had any contingencies then the buyer's hands would be tied on his response. Obviously we're praying for a high appraisal!
I'm also praying that we do get into this rental house. I have dreams of Christmas baking and hosting, hosting, hosting! It's been years since I've been able to comfortably host. I know God cares about those desires of my heart. I'm praying for more space for the kids to be "wild" as Josiah says, for an easy, quick commute for Andrew so we get to see him this winter when the work hours get long, a home where people can spend the night and there is room for big dinners. That rental house holds all those features but I'm sure many places do. I decided not to get hung up in the logistics but to trust God with details.
If everything falls through with the house sale then I'm going to fully enjoy being here in this house and neighborhood, where we have such great access to everything and Andrew can pop home very quickly.
We'll see. For now. Au Revoir from Limbo Land. This is only an extended visit - I'm not staying.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
More Great Days
Mia made a dog.
Sierra made a cat.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Eliza Bella Marie!!
Eliza means several things: (French) consecrated to God, (English) my God is bountiful, God of plenty, (Hebrew) oath of God, and, my favorite, God is satisfaction.
Bella, means beautiful, and Marie, wished for child.
Marie is one of my middle names and Andrew's Aunt's name. I also found out it is the real name of one of my Great Grandmothers, she went by Mary Angel but was named Marie Angelique, and the middle name of my other Great Grandmother, Signe Marie. It is also the middle name of my Aunt Patti. How special to have such a wonderful family name, even more than I originally thought.
Well, it was fun while it lasted but I was starting to feel guilty about the leaks so I'm glad it's just out there now. Thanks for playing - especially Andrew's sisters who out guessed everyone!!
Baby Name Clue #4 - There's been a breach!!
If you'd like to leave a response on the blog the easiest way is to just click Anonymous, but please sign your name at the end of your comment post so I know who's guessing. OR, if you have a blogger account then sign in!! If you want to have follow up comments emailed to you then click the box that says "email follow up comments" and enter your email address.
So far, Aunt Ruthe guessed one of the middle names, Bella, and the baby's Great Grandma Galeazzi guessed the other middle name but I'm trying to get her to post it on here so I'll let her try that first before I tell you. But, if someone guesses the first name before that then I'll just tell you the whole name.
The fourth clue is that her name has an "e" in it.
So, we have a 5 letter name, with "a", "i", and "e" in it. Good luck!
While riding in the van last night we were informed that our tight knitted, immediate family only, name knowers knew of a breach in the surprise holders alliance! It couldn't be. We knew sweet little Sierra was our weak link, in fact we'd had to back peddle out of a few situations of, AHEM, indiscretion by our 3 year old yackity-yack who felt the time was here to tell some people the baby's name. So far, thanks to the lispy sound of her pronunciation, no one has been able to decipher her slips. But, no, this breach went deeper or should I say older than Sierra, at least by a few years. Yes, we know what happened and we know who you are oh secret holder of the name. We trust you, but we're keeping our eye on you. :) Now the pressure is on, once there is one breach of the surprise name knowers we know it would be easy for it to happen again. So guess, friends guess!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Baby Name Clue #3
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Another Awesome Homeschool Day
So, we're studying the water cycle and rocks and soil. We've had several experiments which have been fun. One was testing the amount of water different plants extracted and then transcipitated back into the air. We just sealed plastic bags over the tops of different types of plant trimmings and put them in cups of water then compared the amount of water in the bag when we were done. Another was testing our soil - that one was a flop but I don't think the kids noticed. They just had fun putting dirt and water in a test tube with some powdery stuff and watching it change colors.
Today, though, we went on a rock exploration at Larwood Park in Scio. There are two creeks that join there and the setting is beautiful. We climbed all around the creek bed looking for different types of rocks to compare. I can't believe the variety we found! We also enjoyed watching small fish play in our shadows and picnicking near the water. How lucky are we that this was school today!!
Here's Mia looking for great rocks.
In fact we should get some credit toward PE for the day, too. One for swimming...
...and one for balance beam.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The Cooler parts of HomesCool.
A few of Mia's favorite things.
Our white house.
The funny thing about this phone picture is that she totally looks like I'm interrupting her but it was all staged. One of the takes was blurry but it would have been the best, she was actually mouthing some words. Crack me up!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Baby Name Clue #2
Monday, September 1, 2008
Josiah's BMX Fun
When it was all over he could hardly walk so we stopped for an ICEE to refuel. It was fun! Maybe next year I could actually go for a ride.
Lord, lift me above my own narrow horizons, that I might fulfill your true vision for me. - B.J. Hoff